That is something want is beyond my reason.
I want to share everything with him. Same thing is with big decision's. It's always better when (If that's possible) have a mans opinion in those. Men see thing differently, with their reason and their motions aren't in the way in big decision's.
I have to admit that that kind of life living without a husband and living a life inside the walls, it's definitely not for me. I see that man (in marriage the husband) is the one who is leading things. NOT the kitchen, it's my kingdom =) I rule there. It's fine by me if man wants to rule anywhere else.
Don't tell any one but in this matter I'm the narrow minded. The nun thing. I think it's some kind twisted that women lives behind the walls and one man rules them all. It's like the henhouse with the rooster.
I love the certain man too much. I couldn't abandon and violate the love I have to him. It's like I would be selfish and I wouldn't think about him at all. He deserve the best. Of course he decide what he wants because he knows best. No one else.
Honestly I rather get married and go through the first time and learn enjoy everything that I'm doing with my husband. And love that life when I can make his life even better, if that's possible. (And NO, I'm not going to complain the housework.) That convent life is from my point of view same thing that having a cancer and try to survive from that without medicine.
The convent life is from my point of view like trying to get away the life it self.
I want to learn everything about the S... and making the mans life even better. My place is some day beside my husband what ever comes. There my loyalties lie. With him! And I know that that life (being a wife) is for me because now I have found out that he really can rule me. Lucky me! Honestly, I am lucky. I love him so much. Even more if that's possible.
He don't know this but when I say that I love him. It makes me more shy than I'm usually. And of course I'm afraid that he will stab my heart and kill all the love I have for him. Some how I believe that he isn't going t o stab me. He isn't nothing like that. If I'm right he really is nice, sweet and very loving person, although he looks kind of scary sometimes. Don't we all?
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