Men who has attitude like they know how I think, how I feel and they know better what is good for me?
Oh, I HATE that! So much!
Those kind of men are 99% religious (fanatic one's). I have met those kind of men a lot! Every man who is like that I have only one word to say: NO. And I told one of those NO, do you know what he told me? According to him I don't know what I want, I don't know how I feel, I don't know what is good for me?
One of those men told to me that I don't know what I want (wrong, I do.), according to him, I don't know how I feel (wrong, I know exactly how I feel) and according to him, he knows better what is good for me (that's the line what nobody cross. I know better than him.) But hey, he's a priest, not married. (Wonder why?)
Those kind of men don't make me feel safe and loved. They make me feel that I'm a prisoner and they don't respect me as a person and a woman (if you can say that) and they don't see me as a individual. They see me something they believe they can possess.
To all women: Do not take man like those. They are rare in other country's but in this country, we have them. I will never marry a man who has born in this country. Never. It makes me sick when men from this country looks at me.
If I can't find a person who I feel safe with and who respect me as a person and a woman (a woman who likes do science, man who things that it's normal.) Those kind of man who I told you about, they are going to be after me when my face is done.
But if I can find a man like I describe, I'm safe. Those kind of men don't come near me. They know that they can't never own me because I already has a "owner".
I thought that I find one like that but he hates me. Or not! I don't know. But I don't tell about him in here. He has right to be in shadows. But this I can tell you, when he's around, I'm left alone, in peace. He really is the only man, who don't make me feel nauseous.
HE woke up such feeling that I didn't know that I have those. In this day I thought that I can't feel anything that powerful. I was so wrong. You think that this is "just a talk". It isn't. Now I know that I can feel very powerful feelings. You might think that that those feelings makes me lunatic. No, they don't. It's kind of scary.
1 comment:
Good for you! Don't settle for second best. This world is full of all kinds of men and there is one who will appreciate you out there.
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