You know those people who are so nosy that they do anything to find out everything about their neighbors?
Well I have those. Isn't it nice? Most of them lives opposite of my apartment building.
When I'm washing the windows, they are at their own window to watch am I going to jump! When I'm making dinner, lunch, making coffee etc. They are at their window or/and a balcony trying to see how I make it and do I wash my dishes or not etc.
Their TV must be in pieces or they don't have newspapers, computer, DVD-player or Video- player.
I believe that next step to them is that they start to take notes. They try to see what I add to my food and take notes about the ingredients.
It's also possible that they haven't seen a person who can cook. They has to be those who buy TV-dinners from the store. They eat only convenience foods. That's not good food. Good food is that you know what's in it.
That reminds me about one person who told us (me and my friends, then we were students. Now we are not students anymore.) that he knows what is good meat and what is not. That was the only time when I got so mad that he hasn't talk about "good meat" anymore. Not even when he was doing his practical training in the preschool where I was a teacher.
He hasn't even work in the store. If the product has a label
Stockmann, he'll buy it. So in that case you can sell him anything and he'll buy it. Stupid little boy! He didn't knew that I have worked in the grocery store 2 years. I KNOW what is good meat and what isn't. Thanks to couple expert who's expertise is meat. After that he didn't tell me what is good and what id bad food.
It's funny that a boy tells me what is good food and good meat. He hasn't cook food that long. I was 10 years old when I cooked first time. So now I have cooked over 22 years. He was quite annoying. And when he realized that he couldn't make me look silly, he tried to destroy my reputation at my workplace (preschool)
Well that went south so he find new person to pick on. And this person couldn't defend him self because first he didn't know that. It was too bad for that boy that my loyalties lye's elsewhere.
Although that was stupid because when they (my colleague and this boy) realized that I'm not loyal to them and their bull*...bad talks, they turn against me. In the long run, I had to resign from my work because that turn to work place bullying.
Well, don't worry. I cope.
The difference of me and my colleague is that that I really know people. The people that she believes to know. She told me over and over again that she knows this and this person, this and this actor, actress etc. We call people like her "
nousukas". To that word don't have a work in English language. It a person who lives with her husband money without doing anything. (her husband does the cooking, cleaning, laundry etc.) That kind of person hasn't money of her self and if she wouldn't marry that man, she can't keep her lifestyle.
It's odd that most of people in my country hasn't heard prenuptial agreement! I won't one! That's for sure! And people who move here from other country's, they forget that that kind of paper really exist. It does, even in here middle of nowhere!
How hard that can be? Business is business and marriage is marriage! I know this, I'm a daughter of a business man. Don't never mix these. If you love him/her, you'll sign. You don't, then you don't. Easy, isn't it?
Prenuptial agreement is just time way keep your property/money/assets safe. Even BEFORE marriage, during the time and some cases after marriage. When this "little" is signed, then you can focus that marriage part.
Easy? Yes. Can't be