Friday, August 3, 2007

To my love

Mar chraoibh tha mi gun rùsg
No mar loingeas gun stiùir

'Si do chomhairle ghlic
Nì mi ionndruinn a-nis;
Bha i luachmhor dhomh
tric is feumail

Chaoidh cha dealaich mo ghràdh
's mo spèis riut

This is from 1880 from Perthshire. You can find the poem; all of it; from Michael Newton's book called "A handbook of the Scottish Gaelic world. From page 95 - 96

Oh, you might want to know want that means. It means:

"I am like a tree without bark,
like a ship without a rudder.

It is your words of wisdom,
That I miss now.
They were valuable to me,
frequent and useful.

My love and affection for you will
Stay with me forever."

The actual poem is longer and these sentences I took from the actual poem.

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