A) Those who loves to live here even this country is very cold in the winters. So Cold that the milk gets frozen if you put that between you window =)
Those people don't complain unless there is something to complain. When they have a reason to complain. The get work (which is match to their schooling/education), in their work they don't tell other's that they would hate us (Finn's), that they would hate everything what Finland stand for. NO.
They blend in. They choose to live among us, most of them has become one of us. They are Finn's with their behavior, their status is a Finn. (with different nationality or with two citizen ship's) Some of them marry a Finn and stay here. Some (unfortunately) goes back some day, that's sad. These kind of people has great sense of humor. Some of them help us. Not as a American, as a person. Some of them stops us turning to assholes.
Group B)
They come here, who knows why. And then they start that...how can I say...the Bullshit. They complain about everything. And I mean everything. (I HAVEN'T MET THIS PERSON)
He's doing that in public. He keeps his blog, where everyone can read what he has against this country. And he's married with a Finn. And he has academic education (a dentist) He is one of those what every parent has warned about. He is those Americans who spoil other American reputation who wants to stay here. (Those who comes here and expect us to worship him because he comes from U.S.A.) And when we don't, he hates this country. One of his readers wrote very well to him. He/she said that if he/she would be him, he/she would move away from this country immediately.
They say that you live in the country, the country's way. Finland isn't in that forest (behind God's back) that we don't have airline. You can take any plane to U.S.A, if this country is so from ass.
If we Finns are so from the ass, why the f*k he's staying here? Why did he marry a Finn in the first place? Did he marry a woman who don't go with him? What kind of woman marry a man like him? He's a nag, complaining like a woman. Why he spread wrong kind image about Americans? I KNOW that every American don't feel the same way like he does.
If he wants to fly back to states, he can just go to the airport. If in that time, when he's there, there is no plane or room in any plane to states, he can take any plane to Europe. They fly in states from other Europe country's.
I hope that those Americans who lives here, could stand up for us. Our word isn't nothing compare to Americans opinion.
Oh baker's dream, if I marry American and I move with him to the states. It's my choice!! I wouldn't move there just complain everything that country stands for.
It's impolite to complain everything about the country you live in. The country where your spouse is from. That just shows bad judgement.
See for your self:
F.Y.I. The man I love isn't like the group B. He's beyond any league!
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