Friday, August 10, 2007

Does you life feel boring? Don't worry, do the Russian style. Color it! 2 part

Now I can tell lovely ghost stories about my summer holiday in the Russian way.

It goes like this:

How my summer went? "Well, let me tell you. I went to cruise and I met very odd people." Then I'll add few pictures from the "Ghost Ship". Then I can keep going by adding always some pictures from different movies and tell to people that those pictures are actually from my summer holiday -album!

And wau! My summer vocation was so much neater than the others. Do copy this idea, it's not mine, it's the Russians idea.

If you don't go actually where you said you might go, just add some adaptable pictures from different movies and there you go, you had the most interesting vocation or excursion :D :D :D :D

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