Monday, August 6, 2007


What is difference between high-heels and just shoe's?

Let me tell you. More like shoe you. You can see 2 pictures about two examples. (Both are mine.)

The black shoe is "high-heel". (Right picture) It's 10 cm high. It don't fit so well and you can't walk with that long time. So it's just a shoe. I know the pictures isn't that great.

The dark pink shoe is real high-heal. (Left picture) It's 11,5 cm high. And it fit so well. Like a nose to your face. It 's very comfortable. It fit's like sneaker. You can walk with it long, all day long if you like. My feel loves those high-heels.

No pain and neat looking =) Thanks to my training and my helper, I can use high-heels 8. - 12.8.07 When they have this "Urbaani Unelma" (Urban dream) in old ice stadium in Helsinki. (Helsingin jäähalli)
Not in Hjallis Harkimo's Arena.

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