This far I have met only 3 nice, lovely, well mannered person who are originally from U.S.A and who lives here (2 of them has lived here over 12 years and third one about 9. So THEY KNOW). Rest of them behave like ignorant American can. Think the worst kind of American and multiple that twice and add there the fact that they live here.
Didn't U.S.A wanted them there? So they send them here? Living among us!
They dislike everything, they underestimate us about in everything. To them we are: - Stupid and ignorant - we don't understand anything about our minister's or legal system - we don't know how our system works, so they tell's that to us. OH Thank you. I feel more educated now! - according to them we are so stupid that everything has to teach to us, everything about our country. - We don't cope in other country's - We can't get married with immigrants because some day we might go to our spouse's country and we don't survive there. That is state of mind. Where we put our mind into, we succeed.
And when we stand up for ourselves with words (which seems to me is too hard to most of them) they call us with faul language. And they use bad language. They believe that they can blame us and we don't stand up.
Now I understand why certain people don't want to be named by their country. Why they want to be a Finn than American. I don't blame them at all. Good for them! They are more welcome here that we are welcomed to U.S.A.
I think there should be a jury, where these 3 good people can decide who can stay here and who can't, when people comes here from U.S.A (2 of them has lived here over 12 years and third one about 9. So THEY KNOW) That is full day job! In that way in here would move so much crap from U.S.A.
One of those three I worked for about 2 years. (1998-2000) They all had already fit in this society and they are Finns (at least to me).
This isn't about those 3 people, they are beyond those kind of crap. I stand up for them as well as I stand up any other Finn. One I love more than anyone, one is my good friend and my former boss and one is my mother's family friend.
This is only about those bad behaving American's who lives in here. There are many very nice, lovely people, who I know from U.S.A and they live there. They has nothing to do with this.
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