Thursday, November 22, 2007

A) I can't do my training without helping hand

Today I saw it. Now I has to be honest to myself, I can't train without helping "hand".

90 % I can do without assistant but when I need to train my balance muscle, I need 1 person to tell me when I'm not standing straight and when I'm leaning too much on one side.

I can't see when I'm leaning too far to left or right. Not even when I use a mirror.

It's like coaching without yelling =)

And it really would be easier to train when there is someone else who gather the looks. I could train my balance and all the scary nerds would stay away from me. Without hard training, there is no singing. When we sing, the voice uses entire body. (It's pure science now days)

Singing is part of me like my legs. I can't chop off legs. And in here nobody need to mortgage anything. [our CD's are payd by Visio Kustannus because it's gosbel] Like I would let anyone to do that. I'm not a parasite, using people for my own purposes.

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