Thursday, November 22, 2007

C) My awesome new work, awesome new team and other things

And chicken's would be silent, once. CHICKEN'S a.k.a KANAT = giggle adult women

Why these days adults laugh other people? Especially other women. When they are going to stop behaving like chicken's [like "kanat" = "there is a man, hih hih" That's odd behaving] ?

I don't say that I mind, I refuse to cry when they laugh at me (we all are adults and we don't know each other) when I try to practice my balance. It's possible that the cuckoo left from their cuckoo clock.

99 % of those women goes together with another woman. They can't go by themselves. They need another tobogganist to go there. (a.k.a. to show new clothing)

With my new work I have learn, that 99 % of bad behavior is because low self-esteem. I has to say that I am so happy about my new work place. I have awesome team, awesome colleagues, awesome boss.

Can you imagine, when I went back to my work, they where so happy about that, that they hug me. I thought that they all have been smoking something, no not really I didn't. Maybe they all ate same mushrooms. Just kidding.

Finally my humor is back, I just change work place. From Meilahti to Herttoniemi (kindergarten Siilitie) and everything changed like magic. Children are more challenging but everything else is magnificent.

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