Same thing is in my team. I have one colleague which is teacher like me and she'sjust great personality. She's kind, friendly and she respect other people and myprofession. And we have awesome nanny. She keeps the bounderies to the children'sand likes to be whit them.
And above the all, we have awesome humor in my team.
It's so obvious that I have changed my work place. Last place was work from hell.
I don't say that my work is like walking on roses. The spirit is awesome but the work with isn't always that. Now I has to decide what I do. I have one child+the family where the father is very abusive against his son. If things don't change, I has to make difficult decision: Do I call the the child services or not.
Other boy is abandonment of a child. There is another difficult decision.
I can't understand why they don't take care of their offspring? How they can abuse their children?
These children's are great personality's. One needs bounderies and other needs caring. We give them what they need but we can't do everything. Parents has to do something.