Tuesday, September 18, 2007

It's Long time from my last post

I have new job, I might told that before.

I have more work than last year. Now I really can do my work in pedagogy. Plus now I'm teacher to students of kindergarten teachers. So I work to University of Helsinki (Faculty of behavioral science) and I work to kindergarten.

And I'm the elected official too at my work place (kindergarten). It's about union duty. And I'm a person in charge about preschool.

Although I have lot of work to do, I love it.

My free time is studying, researching, the gym (of course) etc. And still my hours per day is enough. Still I have time to meet my friends and have fun.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

jehovah's witnesses THE PLAGUE OF FINLAND

Just when you thought that they don't come anymore. You'll find out that NOO, they are back.

They are like plague, finally you think that it's won, and it's gone, you'll find out that something left alive. And it's spreading like a fire in dried up hay.

How the _ (f-word) I tell them to hit by track!

Next time...there will be no next time. Because now I had had it. First thing I'll do is get spyhole in my door and if they don't get out of my door, I'll tell them what comes to my mind.

They are the plague in here.